Monday, May 20, 2013

Engagement Series

I haven't posted anything in a while and have been looking at other options to share my work.  I really need to focus on one or two only but first figure out which work best for me.

I'm trying out a new painting technique. The two people are me and my fiance. I'm really happy with the results. I am really excited to utilize this technique to expand my more fantastical and fun paintings. Look for more soon!

Monday, December 10, 2012

~30 Minute Figure Sketches

Here are a couple of 30 minute sketches I did later last week.  I've been enjoying practicing my figure work and I've found a few great resources online that scroll through random pictures based on a few setting for subject matter and time between changes.

Friday, July 13, 2012

Light and Color Fun

I was playing around with color and lighting and love painting landscapes.  This is what I came up with.  I like how the subtle color changes turned out throughout the mountains.  I also wanted to throw a figure in there, I usually don't get around do doing that, but I've been really meaning to do that more.  Get some more interesting poses and dynamic movement incorporated with the scenes.  

Friday, May 11, 2012

Peep Hole

I've been working on some icons for my job and this one turned out to be a pretty creative.  It's simple and comic-like, which is not my usual style, but I enjoy this.  I like viewing it as a curious hole that someone is peering through at the same time you are.  I think the eye has good curious or even creepy personality behind it.

Friday, April 27, 2012

30sec & 60sec figure gestures

I enjoy doing the quick 30 - 60 second figure sketches every now and then.  It keeps me on my toes and loosens me up, keeping me from getting caught up in detail.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Story Scenes WIP

Here's another work in progress.  I'm still figuring out exactly where I'm going with it.  This I want to be part of a series of paintings that are based on scenes I interpret from some of my favorite books.  We'll see how disciplined I can be to continue this series in my limited free time!

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Pirate's Set

Here's another older illustration of mine, done around the time of the Disturbed Entertainment.  I was painting for fun one day and wanted to practice painting an ocean scene with some nice lighting from a sunset.  This painting really steered me towards figuring out the techniques I use to create more realistic skies and it got me thinking about how light reacts, shines through, and reflects off of these gaseous masses during different times of the day.  Creating paintings like this really inspired me to focus on the beauty of nature and scenery that I experience on a daily basis.

Pirate's Set